Services - Safari Distribution
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Traveling and meeting new people is our passion. Our goal is to source and find the best brands in the world and import them into Switzerland. Feel free to get in touch with us, if you feel your brand fits to our portfolio.


Our team takes much thought into the brands we chose to import. Each brand has is own identity and we take care of each brand, as it would be our own. A longterm plan is the foundation of each product and brand.


With specific sales forces for each category we make sure that every brand gets distributed into the right channels. Through our amazing sales staff we are committed to find the right product for each customer with great customer service.


All orders get shipped directly from Zuerich to the storefront. Our in-house warehouse gives us the opportunity to have very fast and efficient deliveries. Next day delivery is guaranteed, if orders are placed before 3 pm. All orders are being shipped by courier with an easy track-and-trace system.